Still Living in the Stone Age

There is a small group of 40-500 people who has been living on an island away from the world. For about 60,000 years this tribe has not made any contact with the outside world. The Sentinelese is a small tribe that still lives in the stone age.  They are protected by a couple of soldiers and I would not try to contact them if I were you. On 2006 January 26th, two fishermen from the outside world got to close to the tribe and were killed by them. Later India’s coast guard sent helicopters to get the bodies and take them back but was not greeted in open arms either. When they arrived a swarm of arrows were shot at them.

This tribe just does not want anything to do with the outside world which is why they still live in the stone age. That could be the main reason why they’re still alive. If they made contact with the outside world they would encounter new diseases, they would have to deal with politics. They live by fishing and hunting for food and gathering plants for medicine. Even when the hurricane hit in 2004 they still did not want any help from us.I can’t blame them though if my system was working for 60,000 years I wouldn’t change either. We may never see them or even learn more about their tribe with there now being laws put in place to protect them.

“North Sentinel Island, Home of the Sentinelese.” North Sentinel Island,

Image result for sentinelese tribeImage result for sentinelese tribe

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Wow, very interesting! I had heard of this tribe before and seen a few pictures of them, but I was not aware that they had killed those fishermen. I wonder what they think of the giant metal helicopter that showed up on their shores? Surely that was a new experience.


  2. cgarrison004 says:

    In this day and age, with all the technology we have today, it is amazing that there are still tribes of people on Earth that are thousands of years behind in that aspect. I wonder if they can grasp the concept of how much technology we have today. I am also curious to see if we will ever be able to come in contact with these people. It is shocking to me that they are so hostile. But, like you said, if it has worked for 60,000 years then you can go without changing it. Thanks for sharing.


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